
微信区玩家 添加:onegame2022QQ区玩家 添加:669795039满足以下条件方可俘虏军官 战斗类型必须为征服战 进攻方、防守方统帅军衔必须在中士及以上 进攻方城内必须有军官容量。参谋部等级越高,军官空位越多 防守方必须是在城市内防守,军官被任命为市长,且军官忠诚小于10
Published on January 01, 2024 | 0 min read


微信区玩家 添加:onegame2022QQ区玩家 添加:669795039为了方式无效用户注册占用地图资源,特制定了非活跃玩家账号清理计划。满足以下条件之一有可能被清理账号: 声望小于500 且 3天未登录的账号 声望大于500 且 30天未登录的账号
Published on October 11, 2023 | 0 min read


微信区玩家 添加:onegame2022QQ区玩家 添加:669795039零科技刷寇腾讯文档地址: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DTURpSEdSZUJ1R3NV<if...
Published on October 10, 2023 | 0 min read


微信区玩家 添加:onegame2022QQ区玩家 添加:669795039家园二战海洋图说明: 1.excel中每一个表格表示一个10*10的坐标地块 2.例如左上角第一个方块 表示 (0,0) -&gt; (9,9) 的地图区域 一共是100个坐标地图链接: <a href="https:...
Published on September 10, 2023 | 0 min read


微信区玩家 添加:onegame2022QQ区玩家 添加:669795039 原文文档 https://docs.qq.com/doc/DTUZGb3d4dkRFcE5i<h1 i...
Published on March 05, 2023 | 0 min read


加客服微信:onegame2022 QQ区交流群:669795039关于海洋城市 陆地玩家可以通过陆军/空军征服海洋中的平原(海平)建立新海城。 只有海洋城市才可以建立航海协会,方可建造海军。 海洋城市使用随机迁城,迁城后仍在海洋。 且冷却时间为60秒。 高迁可以随意迁海洋、陆地,海城可以随意迁到陆地,陆城也可以迁到海洋,注意:海城迁进陆地...
Published on January 05, 2023 | 0 min read


野地采集资源计算公式 加客服微信:onegame2022 QQ区交流群:669795039采集资源公式:公式:randInt := (86400 - gapTime) + int64(mapInfo.Level_off.OfficerService_10+rand.Intn(mapInfo.Level*off.Offic...
Published on January 03, 2023 | 0 min read


加客服微信:onegame2022 QQ区交流群:669795039军衔要求 下士:琥珀戒指X5 铂金项链X2 中士:黄金手环X15 翡翠戒指X10 上士:蓝宝石项链X20 红宝石手环X15 军士长:玛瑙头盔X25 琥珀戒指X20 准尉:红宝石手环X30 黄金手环X25 少尉:琥珀戒指X35 黑曜...
Published on January 02, 2023 | 0 min read


新人教程 加客服微信:onegame2022 QQ区交流群:669795039以下新区玩家发展可参考主线发展发展目标:快速造出火箭、有5000装甲10000突击5000火箭,有3级以上弹道、武器科研,进攻9级寇(出宝箱)完成飞速发展!如何指挥刷寇详情翻阅下面目录的【刷寇技巧】 刚进...
Published on January 01, 2023 | 1 min read

Sample Post

Sample PostThis post will show you how the content will look like in the post pages and how the headlines, quotes and quotes will be represented. Jekyll is mainly used to write simple markdown and after that it renders out a static pages, so you need to know the bas...
Published on April 24, 2020 | 3 min read

How to Install and use WhatATheme?

What is WhatATheme? You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. &gt;You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run <...
Published on April 22, 2020 | 3 min read

What is Jekyll? How to use it?

What is Jekyll? How to use it?Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. Think of it like a file-based CMS, without all the complexity. Jekyll takes your content, renders Markdown and ...
Published on April 21, 2020 | 2 min read